Description of file for 105 million galaxies from the DES and unWISE: galaxy_DES_WISE.dat ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Column 1 : Right Ascension (R.A. J2000) of the galaxy (in degree); Column 2 : Declination (Dec. J2000) of the galaxy (in degree); Column 3 : magnitude in the g band; Column 4 : magnitude error in the g band; Column 5 : magnitude in the r band; Column 6 : magnitude error in the r band; Column 7 : magnitude in the i band; Column 8 : magnitude error in the i band; Column 9 : magnitude in the z band; Column 10: magnitude error in the z band; Column 11: magnitude in the y band; Column 12: magnitude error in the y band; Column 13: magnitude in the W1 band; Column 14: magnitude error in the W1 band; Column 15: magnitude in the W2 band; Column 16: magnitude error in the W2 band; Column 17: photometric redshift; Column 18: uncertainty of photometric redshift; Column 19: logarithm of stellar mass, log(m_stellar/Msun). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description of file for catalogue of clusters of galaxies from DES*unWISE data: cluster_DESWISE.dat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Column 1 : Cluster ID; Column 2 : Cluster name with J2000 coordinates of cluster; Column 3 : Right Ascension (R.A. J2000) of cluster BCG (in degree); column 4 : Declination (Dec. J2000) of cluster BCG (in degree); Column 5 : photometric redshift of the cluster; Column 6 : BCG magnitudes (AB system) in the i band; Column 7 : BCG magnitudes (AB system) in the W1 band; Column 8 : signal-to-noise ratio for cluster detection; Column 9 : cluster radius, r_500, in Mpc; Column 10: cluster richness. Column 11: derived cluster mass, in units of 10^{14}~Msun; Column 12: number of member galaxy candidates within r_500; Column 13: Reference notes for previously known clusters: WHL, SPT, redMaPPer, WHY18, RASS, ACT, WH21, Y21, CFSFDP, WaZP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description of file for catalogue of cluster member candidates from DES*unWISE data: cluster_member_DESWISE.dat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Column 1: Cluster ID in cluster_DESWISE.dat; Column 2: Right Ascension (R.A. J2000) of member galaxy candidate (in degree); Column 3: Declination (Dec. J2000) of member galaxy candidate (in degree); Column 4: photometric redshift of the galaxy; Column 5: uncertainty of photometric redshift; Column 6: magnitude of galaxy in the g band. The value of 99.0 means no data; Column 7: magnitude error of galaxy in the g band. The value of 99.0 means no data; Column 8: magnitude of galaxy in the r band. The value of 99.0 means no data; Column 9: magnitude error of galaxy in the r band. The value of 99.0 means no data; Column 10: magnitude of galaxy in the i band. The value of 99.0 means no data; Column 11: magnitude error of galaxy in the i band. The value of 99.0 means no data; Column 12: magnitude of galaxy in the z band. The value of 99.0 means no data; Column 13: magnitude error of galaxy in the z band. The value of 99.0 means no data; Column 14: magnitude of galaxy in the y band. The value of 99.0 means no data; Column 15: magnitude error of galaxy in the y band. The value of 99.0 means no data; Column 16: magnitude of galaxy in the W1 band. The value of 99.0 means no data; Column 17: magnitude error of galaxy in the W1 band. The value of 99.0 means no data; Column 18: magnitude of galaxy in the W2 band. The value of 99.0 means no data; Column 19: magnitude error of galaxy in the W2 band. The value of 99.0 means no data; Column 20: logarithm of galaxy stellar mass, log(m_{stellar}/Msun; Column 21: projected distance to cluster centre, in Mpc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------